Clayton’s newest park will bring people together while honoring the legacy of St. Louis literary talents.

From T.S. Eliot and Maya Angelou to Mark Twain and Tennessee Williams, St. Louis’ history has deep literary roots. The City of Clayton’s newest park, to be located on Maryland Avenue adjacent to the Mid-County Library, has been planned to honor this tradition.

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Located Downtown, 7811 Maryland Avenue will become Clayton’s twelfth public park.

Clayton offers the region a “literacy destination”, establishing an outdoor space dedicated to readers, literacy organizations, and literature programs next door to the Mid-County Library.

About Literary Park


Visitors will be drawn to the park, where they can relax with their favorite novel under the cool shade of a canopy of trees, engage in thoughtful conversations near a calming water feature or learn about St. Louis’ literary history while strolling through the urban pocket park.

Programs may include literacy-centered outings in the park for elementary students and attracting students across the community for monthly dramatic readings highlighting playwrights and authors with St. Louis roots.

Giving Opportunities:

  • Beautify the park with landscaping ($100-$1,000+)

  • Honor a loved one with a memorial or tribute table ($2,500)

  • Water bottle filling station ($5,000)

  • A potential piece of art

  • Relaxing water feature ($30,000)

  • Living green wall to inspire park visitors ($100,000)

  • Bicycle rack and repair station (Funded)

  • Naming of New Park ($250,000)


“The new park will be a great addition to Downtown Clayton. Next door to the Mid-County Branch, patrons will have the opportunity to take materials to the park and read outdoors. We also look forward to partnering with the Clayton Community Foundation on literacy-themed programs.

-Kristen Sorth
Director and CEO
St. Louis County Library

6 in 7 U.S. adults visited a park, trail, open space or recreation facility at least once during the past year. For many people, parks and recreation is a daily habit.*